The pure-gold wheel features 34.6 cm height and 830 g weight. In 1954, the Fourteenth Dalai Lama presented it to Chairman Mao during his trip in Beijing for the 1st National People's Congress. The gift expresses utmost veneration toward Chairman. In the center of the wheel is inlaid a jewel. Moreover, the wheel-bottom is home to a bilingual inscription. The Chinese text reads, “In 1954, I, Dalai Lama, presented Chairman Man Zedong with this golden wheel as the delegate at the 1st National People's Congress according to Tibetan political-religious rituals. This pays the great Leader of China enormous tribute. May Chairman Mao shine upon all like a red sun. Each and every ethnic group can enjoy the warmth of his aura. Any daring invader will be annihilated for safeguarding peace. All worlds will be exposed to the light.” (Damzin Tashi)